Sunday, February 9, 2014

DARE to Keep Kenosha Unified School District Board Member Kyle Flood off Drugs

DARE to Keep Kenosha Unified School District Board Member Kyle Flood off Drugs

Kyle Flood - High as hell? Probably.
KUSD Board member Kyle Flood has not let public service get in the way of his drug use. He was recently busted with three marijuana pipes on the University of Wisconsin-Parkside campus. He entered a plea of no contest, paid his fine undoubtedly with his income from his school board gig and proceeded to lie to the public about the incident. Kyle probably watched COPS more than once and knew the correct answer when someone found his drug paraphernalia.... "It isn't mine, officer!", "It wasn't mine, judge!", before finishing off with a "It wasn't mine, journalist!"

We warned Kenosha prior to the school board election that Kyle Flood proudly admitted he smoked marijuana often. But apparently Kenosha likes potheads in charge of the spending of millions of tax dollars and making important decisions that affect their children and voted him in anyway. If any of those school children in the district were in possession of drug paraphernalia on school property as Kyle Flood was caught they would have been harshly punished under KUSD's zero tolerance drug policy.

KYLE FLOOD SHOULD RESIGN IMMEDIATELY. He probably will not do this, but there is a petition out here that one can sign to let him know you aren't happy with his pot smoking ways.

Maybe there are people out there that are OK with Kyle Flood being a pothead so he can be a hypocrite while enforcing drug policy in the schools or maybe he can stand up for what he believes in and allow kids to toke up a few times a day without punishment.

We warned you, Kenosha. Next up... will Kyle Flood ogle your children at the next swim meet? It probably has already happened. Do not come crying about it only to get another "I told you so!"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kenosha Pervert Kyle Flood KUSD School Board Member

Kyle Flood Doesn't Want You To Know His Past

Kyle Flood and his buddies have complained to Facebook about pages that show his ugly Internet history. He tried to purge the pornography he shared on tumblr, but it was still available for viewing via google's cache. This won't last long as the pages will disappear and only screen shots will remain.

This information needs to be out there because Kyle should not be considered a safe person to leave young boys around. He is sexually confused, smokes marijuana and he has a sexual proclivity for young boys.

Why did Kenosha elect an 18 year old to fill a board seat? Because they didn't know the truth about this guy. Kenosha labor unions supported him. Kenosha labor unions supported a pervert.

Note to Kyle Flood:  Your old porn blog pictures have been archived and will be posted again and again if you have it removed. Each time your fight this, it makes you look more guilty of hiding your motives and makes you less trustworthy to be around children.

The pictures below are from Kyle Flood's tumblr account which he has purged via deletion. We managed to get them before google erased their existence forever.

Kyle Flood - Newly Elected Kenosha School Board Member

Kyle Flood is in Control of Millions of Tax Dollars

Most of Kyle Flood Homoerotic Images Have Been Deleted.


Kyle Flood - 18 year old porn sharer and pothead

Kyle Flood Shared This Picture.

Kyle Flood Shared This Picture Too. I left out the one with full frontal nudity of this guy.

Kyle Flood in his morphsuit. Will he wear it to a board meeting?

This picture was shared on Facebook and Kyle complained.

Kyle has difficulty spelling, so I hope he isn't the one writing up the school budget.

Google was filled with gay pornography under thatonekyleguy's tumblr account..

Kyle Flood likes hot young guys. Should he be anywhere near a school? Jerry Sandusky anyone?

Kyle's internet history will fade as he deleted his past porn sharing posts.

Is it appropriate for a school board member to share these photos? thatonekyleguy strikes again!

Kyle Flood really likes young boys.

Kyle Flood really, really likes young boys.

Kyle Flood really likes guys in speedos.

Kyle Flood really really likes guys in speedos.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kyle Flood: School Board Candidate, Avid Sharer of Porn, Prefers Young Men and Boys

Kyle is caught in the act of fooling himself once again

Kyle Flood is running for a seat on the Kenosha Unified School Board. Unfortunately for him, his ability to purge the Internet of his activities proved to be too daunting of a task and trails remain of his perverted tumblr blog. thatonekyleguy still is owned and operated by Kyle, but the significant amount of pornography once shared by him has been removed. Now the only thing that remains are google cached images and screen captures of his activities.

How bad are they? You be the judge.

Reblogged from thatonekyleguy

Reblogged from thatonekyleguy
Photoshopped full frontal nude Zac Effron placed by Kyle Flood
"Young hunks and blah" featuring a young boy in a speedo. The kid isn't at a swim meet as the title of the page clearly denotes "I'm bi and love young guys and hunks. I'm 18 and have another Tumblr on here. Find it if you can." While it is unknown if Kyle is the one responsible for this particular blog page, it is without question that he posted this image on his own account. "thatonekyleguy" is Kyle Flood's personal tumblr blog account and you can see blizzaga-knight had shared this photo from Kyle's site.

Is it appropriate for a very young individual to be on a school board when his job will see him participating in public school functions and events? If Kyle ogled and drooled over this young lad, how would he not ogle and drool over young boys and men in real life?  The answer is obvious - he will. Kyle has no ethical standards and is unfit for duty as a member of the school board. The best way to keep your kids away from Kyle is to keep Kyle off the school board. In the unfortunate circumstance that he does win, you better pay attention to that guy.

There are many more pages that were once reblogged, liked, and posted by Kyle Flood and they're disappearing every day as google's cache feature loses them. Many pages exist that you can still see what Kyle reblogged and liked, but cannot get a screen capture from.

I challenge everyone to not trust my word and do the web search your self. You can start here.

Kyle Flood is a Pervert

High Kyle Flood - Looking to meet bisexual partners, er..."friends"
Kyle Flood is running for a seat on the Kenosha school board. In that process, he is reporting all negative comments about his behaviors as "cyber bullying". Like a Jerry Sandusky who prayed on little boys, he is doing his best to hide his true colors as well. But the truth will be revealed and spread no matter how many times Kyle tries to lie and bully his way across the Internet to hide the truth.

LGBT Kids is where you'll find his creepy face looking for sex partners friends via his tumblr blog. As Kyle's Internet activities are revealed, he desperately looks to remove their existence. As every day goes by his creepy, perverted past is replaced by Kyle Flood the school board candidate.

Kyle Flood lied about his age so he could sign up with an OKCupid dating website account. He advanced his age a couple years, admitted to smoking marijuana "often", and listed his sexuality as "bi".

Kyle Flood likes to smoke marijuana regularly.

thatonekyleguy has a creepy internet history and this is only the beginning. His tumblr blog was filled with homoerotica pornography where the most popular subject was young boys and men in swimsuits. Don't you think it is pretty self-serving for Kyle to be getting his way back into high school hallways now that he is done himself? He will ogle Kenosha kids at swim meets and that is inappropriate behavior for an elected official. Kenosha's election is April 2, 2013 and if they choose to ignore the truth about Kyle Flood they should expect the worst.