Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kenosha Pervert Kyle Flood KUSD School Board Member

Kyle Flood Doesn't Want You To Know His Past

Kyle Flood and his buddies have complained to Facebook about pages that show his ugly Internet history. He tried to purge the pornography he shared on tumblr, but it was still available for viewing via google's cache. This won't last long as the pages will disappear and only screen shots will remain.

This information needs to be out there because Kyle should not be considered a safe person to leave young boys around. He is sexually confused, smokes marijuana and he has a sexual proclivity for young boys.

Why did Kenosha elect an 18 year old to fill a board seat? Because they didn't know the truth about this guy. Kenosha labor unions supported him. Kenosha labor unions supported a pervert.

Note to Kyle Flood:  Your old porn blog pictures have been archived and will be posted again and again if you have it removed. Each time your fight this, it makes you look more guilty of hiding your motives and makes you less trustworthy to be around children.

The pictures below are from Kyle Flood's tumblr account which he has purged via deletion. We managed to get them before google erased their existence forever.

Kyle Flood - Newly Elected Kenosha School Board Member

Kyle Flood is in Control of Millions of Tax Dollars

Most of Kyle Flood Homoerotic Images Have Been Deleted.


Kyle Flood - 18 year old porn sharer and pothead

Kyle Flood Shared This Picture.

Kyle Flood Shared This Picture Too. I left out the one with full frontal nudity of this guy.

Kyle Flood in his morphsuit. Will he wear it to a board meeting?

This picture was shared on Facebook and Kyle complained.

Kyle has difficulty spelling, so I hope he isn't the one writing up the school budget.

Google was filled with gay pornography under thatonekyleguy's tumblr account..

Kyle Flood likes hot young guys. Should he be anywhere near a school? Jerry Sandusky anyone?

Kyle's internet history will fade as he deleted his past porn sharing posts.

Is it appropriate for a school board member to share these photos? thatonekyleguy strikes again!

Kyle Flood really likes young boys.

Kyle Flood really, really likes young boys.

Kyle Flood really likes guys in speedos.

Kyle Flood really really likes guys in speedos.